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About Us

DNA-ART is artwork that displays your unique DNA profile, whether on canvas or digital format, making your artwork completely one of a kind and personalised. It’s your genetic characteristics transformed before your eyes. DNA-Art is a unique creation based on an individuals genetic code and therefore enabling this to be highly personal & can be dedicated to you, a friend or a loved one.

Our radical & modern art is based on the visualisation of DNA – your DNA. DNA Solutions has engineered DNA extraction from a simple swab of one’s DNA profile and mapped this out on a unique and personalised canvas that is both artistically striking and pioneering.

Most artwork or furnishings is mass-produced and can be found in many shops, our art pieces are bespoke and unique to you. No one shares the same DNA profile as you and this concept is something very personal, very individual & very you.

Head Scientist Vern Muir overseas each procedure from extracting your DNA, producing your profile before working with our design team to elegantly deliver your artwork. Our expertise is that DNA Solutions has been awarded the prestigious ISO 17025 accreditation for DNA analytical services – so one can be assured that our standard of professionalism is unmatched.